This was my very first Website i created around 2019. It was for my own graphic- & webdesign business you see here in an updated version. The goal was to portray me and my work as a designer.  I decided to handcode everything myself with HTML, CSS and some sprinkles of Javascript for functionality. I wanted to understand how design & code work hand in hand and what are realistic web designs.
 After the website was done i decided to go with wordpress and Elementor Pro Website builder because it's just easer and you can add custom code where it's needed. I decided to portray my work directly on a new domain which you can see here. Et voila!

my old portfolio
my old portfolio
contact page
contact page
Subpages are giving the website structure. You can imagine them as chapters from a book. How do you want to weave your stroy together; in a website?

Tell me more about your project on a Zoom Call on my calendly.

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